

MHA Program Stats

ACHE Competency Assessment

is used to assess the progress of our students by measuring their competency levels throughout the MHA Program.

See how these competencies have served students in the MHA program and beyond:

MHA Graduate Employment Data

Program Completion Rates

Completion rates for MHA students by academic year:

2017 2018 2019
Completion Rate 94% (Combined) 94% (Combined) 97% (Residential)

MHA Graduate Salary Data

The MHA Alumni Survey is administered on an annual basis. Graduates of the program are asked to respond to questions pertaining to job placement and salary.

The table shows average salary results from 20015-2019:

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Average Salary $45,000 $68,560 $67,167 $56,227 $60,336
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